Thursday, August 29, 2013


   Well let’s begin by saying that you are read the blog from an average high school student from one of the best schools in the nation, Whitney Young HS. My name is Martin Barragan, I’m “almost” six feet tall, and I love to do anything that challenges me physically and mentally. To say I came to be where I am is the same as to say that it is easy for a salmon to get up a river, which actually takes determination, hard work, and perseverance
 I was originally born in Mexico, in a small city of Cotija, Michocan. When I was four, my father was able get my whole family in the U.S. He took us to Chicago, IL. The earliest memory that I could remember was in my preschool years. I worked up my way to eight grade from there on, and that's the year that was different from all the others. When it came to choose what high school I wanted to go to, I felt very pressured. That doesn't mean I choose to go to Whitney young by making a fast choice, I got a lot of advice from all my teachers. 
 The first days of schools were the big changes in my life; it was when teachers actually started showing us what we had to start preparing for. All the quizzes, test, homework assignments, finals, and teachers changed how I acted toward how I want to approach my problems and future.