Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Modern Puritan

For those of you that don't know what a puritan is, they are a religious group that strictly follow the rules of god. They devote their live to living away from sin, and to work hard all their lives to ensure there passage to heaven. If they sin, there is sure punishment and even death. They hang on a thin thread of god that he holds with his Index and pinky my fingers over the hot fires of hell. They are taught from the youngest age to be a perfect puritan, but why so strict? People nowadays are lean, relaxed, and tolerate a lot of sinful actions. However be aware of the modern day puritan that is every home, let me introduce you to mine.
My mother is my modern Puritan. Strict with rules and harsh on punishments. Let me give you an example of what I mean. One day I asked my mom if I could to go to the park.  She looked and glared at me for what seemed an eternity, gleaming into my eyes, as if she was searching for any bit of deception in me. She then gave a sign of relief and said, "Ok, you can go.  But you have to finish all of your homework, do extra reading, and help me with some chores I haven't finished." I did as she said, and I got ready to step outside right before she asked said," oh and be home before 7:00 you know how bad this part of the neighborhood can get." .......

It was 7:08, and I can't begin to tell you how mad my mom was. She sat me Ina chair, and began to lecture me of how I could have gotten hurt, how I could have gotten stopped by someone, how she didn't know  where I could have gone to or who I was even with and doing god knows what! That went one for....let’s just say 20 minutes. When she was done, she grounded me of my park privileges and also took away some of my stuff. I just sat there in my room, thinking of how strict my mom was and how I got punished by breaking a curfew by a few minutes. I also thought of why she was so strict. But then it hit me, she give this neighborhood a bad reputation. From what she here from the news, the neighbors, she must have thought that I died in those eight minutes. But I didn't, I saw what was there. Moms gossiping on the benches, children playing tag on tell jungle gym, teens at the basketball court, and not one sign of danger. My mom doesn't know this side of the story; she only knows what she has been told and the dangerous and bad things that could happen. This might be why the puritans are so strict as well. They only know the horrible side of their actions, so to keep away from them; they follow the Puritan ways as strict as possible. I myself am Catholic, and take it from me, the son of a modern puritan, those people are scared of  what they don't even know about, that's why you have to question ideas that you differ against, just like how some people rebelled and went against the Puritan church. Please if I have offended the reader in any way, please forgive me because on not a racist or a religious jerk.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

The main topic right now in my English class is the character John Proctor. For those who do not know who Proctor is, he is a character from "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. He is Farmer in the late 1670's with a wife, two sons, and a jar full of secrets. He had an affair with his wife, and the reverend of the town looks down on him because he isn't that big on the church idea. He doesn't go the church every Sunday, he hasn't baptized his child, and he only knows nine of the ten commandments (he ironically missed the commandment about adultery when the a reverend asked him to recite them!). He was also accused of witchery, along with practically half of the town. With, this evidence and information of John Proctor, lets see if he is a Hero or a stooge.

John Proctor can be seen as a hero throughout the story. He didn't "kiss and tell" when he had his affair, which saved the reputation of his mistress. He also didn't snitch on anybody. The thing about witch trials is that is you do not commit to witchery, you die. If you do, you must say who else is with the devil. He rather die than accuse someone else for something that he didn't do, and when he does, he rips the proof that says that he confessed.

Is Proctor a stooge? Does he allow himself to be used just for the services of the town. If he had not had an affair with the niece of the reverend, would he have been suspicious of witchery? By modern definition, a stooge is defined as a "puppet", as in you are being used. Did the town use John Proctor as bait for those who were originally been accused of witchery?

I personally think Proctor is an honest, honorable, hero. He risked his own life to end the paranoia of witchery. But that is only my opinion, not a fact and it should not persuade you to yours.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Arrivals.... there goes the Neighborhood.

          To who may read this, just keep in mind that Martin Barragan is a non-racist that is happy with whoever is around him. Thank you
           After many days, weeks, months, or even years, people get comfy to where and who they get put into in life. Its human nature for one to get into a routine that is easy and nice for them. But this all changes when someone, or something, comes into this routine to disturb people. This is where the idea of arrivals messing up the “neighborhood”.
           Five years ago, my neighborhood was mostly filled with Hispanic, but since 2010, many of my neighbors have been losing their homes and moving out. These houses stayed unsold for about two years, until last year many other people of another race started buying these houses. I was very skeptical about it, seeing how we could never have the same relationships that my family used to have with my previous neighbors. That all changed when I stepped outside on a rainy summer day, and one of them said “hello” with a very thick accent. I wore a fake smile and said hello back. “You have a very nice house.” He said, and I replied with a warm smile. My last neighbors never commented our house; they were only worried about their own problems. These people kept this for months, and I eventually realized they became part of the neighborhood, coming over for parties, dinner, birthdays, and whatever the neighborhood had to offer. Now looking at this saying of “there goes the neighborhood”, I realized it’s not about that the neighborhood is going somewhere; it’s just the matter of where it goes.