Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I am Thankful (For a Classmate)

In my English class, there’s a handful of people that I already knew from last year, and some I made quickly from the very beginning. I sit in the front, right corner of the room, with three other young writers; Antonio, Justin, and Sam. Were lucky to be grouped together because getting in a group of four is a breeze, and we already socialize so we almost agree all the time. Antonio and I knew each other since Freshman Year, when we had three classes together, and we met on the bus. How else would we start talking to each other? By talking smack about one of our teachers of course! He then hung out in lunch, and then we never really stopped since then. He remind each other of our homework, help each other out in our homework (especially Italian!) and just argue of who has more fans; the NBA or The Walking Dead (NBA wins, though). Justin I Knew last year from world studies and geometry, and me and him kept going at each other during Socratic seminars during History. I learned not to underestimate him. Justin tells the truth, and he knows it well. He just may not want to say it at times. Justin is a great guy over all, helpful and smart, except he’s a LeBron Fan (Justin if your reading this, Chi-town for 2014 champs!). And then there’s Sam. He's a friend, of a friend, of a friend. We started talking when were in groups during English, and I learned that he can’t be serious when it comes to needing to do work, and fun when he knows everybody can relax. He’s also very organized and helpful whenever you need it, and that’s good to have around. Without these guys and Mr. McCarthy, I would have been asleep every day during 7th period, but thank the lord that I have these guys to give me a wake-up call, and I am very thankful. Happy Thanksgiving everybody.


  1. You should thank me for picking up your breath mint wrappers everyday.

  2. Thank you Mr.McCarthy! Happy Thanksgiving too.

  3. Thanks man! I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. I don't know what else to say...,Oh yeah, The Walking Dead>NBA
