Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Frozen Leopard- A short Story

I am the Leopard that lives in the summit of mt. Kilamajaro. I have been frozen here for a long time now after wandering from my pack and searching for food. i am immobalized, unable to do much, i can not even move my eyes, but my brain still works and functions normally. In do not get hungry nor thirsty, and i frequently do not care as long as i don not die. I spend my day in this mountain, watching travelers hike up and down the mountain. Every traveler has their own story, such as today. I saw this man hike up the summit on he set up a very large tent nearby me. The man wore a thick coat and his chin was freshly shaved. He liked as if he knew nothing at all about camping, his tent kept falling down and he didn't know how to prepare the fish e caught. The man left the next morning, and the next week a young man and women arrived to the summit. While they were setting their camp, the women would constanlty ask the man questions and the man would respond quickly and furiosly without looking at the woman, and then she would respond the same way back. This went on the entire day, the young couple yelling  things at each other that made the other one angrier. When they were in the tent, the arguements continued, and then I heard a slap from the tent and the man came out with a red cheek. He sat on a old tree stump and he started to cry. After for what seemed an hour, the man got up from the stump and returned to the tent. I did not hear anything else until the next morning, the young couple came our and were smiling at each other. They packed their bags except that they were enjoying each others company now. The man and the women got their things and went back down the mountain, this time holding hands. In the next few days I saw a single man, but he seemed injured from his leg. He was accompanied by a women who was helping him walk. They were talking constantly talking to each other; the man seemed as if he was asking for something but the women did not want to give it to him. After a while, the man seems to have stopped talking to the woman, but then he started to Speke harsh to the woman, and the woman was not talking it nicley. After what seems a barrage of instalts, the woman backed away from the man. He took out from his backpack a notebook with pages falling out and the cover all written over. The man got out a pencil and opened to a blank page in the notebook. He stared at the page for a very long time, tapping the blank page and then his head mutiple times with the pencil. He gave a big shrugged an closed the notebook and put the notebook back. When the woman came back the man started pointing at her and then at the notebook, shouting at her as if she had done something to his notebook, but the man just put the notebook back and the woman sat by him. The man soon fell asleep, and in the next couple of hours a large vehicle from the sky came and two men emerged from the vehicle and helped both the man and the woman into the vehicle, but the man kept looking back at the mountain and me.

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