Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Real Thief- A short story

 I haves had an easy life since I could remember. My father made some smart investments when he was younger, and his earnings never stopped flowing through since. My mother fell for my father for what many women do now a days, his fortune. But never the less,  they were happily married and have been caring for me since I was born. I am one of the few children whose parents are wealthy to say that they are spoiled; my parents bought me what I needed and a little more. My parents already have my college fund in the bank, enough for me to go to school, flunk out, and go back in. Today when I asked to go for a day downtown and I objected when they told me that one of them can drive me there, mainly because I wanted to get to know the city and the streets for myself. I dressed with swagger, my hat with jeans and a shiny watch. I got on the bus to go downtown, the only other person on the bus besides me and the bus driver was a ragged man in the back of the bus. He looked sleepy, wearing a heavy brown jacket with a black beanie and torn shoes. Every now and then I would glance back at the bus man just to see him glaring at me, but I didn't mind. As soon as I got up from my seat, the bus man followed and he grabbed his backpack. After a long time of looking through stores, I started to get startled, the bus man followed me every where I went, to turning the corner and waiting at the corner of the store I was in. In a flash of lightning, I hear quick steps coming from behind me. As I turn I see the bus man charging at me; he knocks me to the floor and starts to reach for my bags. I kicked him back with my legs and tried to get back up, and all of a sudden a man in a suit comes from around the corner and pulls back the bus man, punches him in the jaw and sends him to the floor. As the suit man helped me up I noticed that the bus man seemed to be knock out cold. The suit man asked if I was alright, and I said I was fine. He sits on one knee next to man and examines him.
"I don't blame him, it's not his fault." Said suit man. Suit man took out his own wallet, pulled out a $50 dollar bill and put it in the bus man's pocket. He looked at me and said to me something I would not  forget for a long time, 
"The people who run this world have run over the people who support their ideas, it is now time where people have to stop looking at themselves and look at the things that are eroding around them, don't fault this man for taking what should be his but where taking away". 
I looked for away for a second at my bags and then back at the man just to see nobody in front of me, nor the suit man or the bus man, just me and my new found ways.

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